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WF Help Home Page First-time Installation

First, make sure that you have the file vbrun300.dll.

Second, check the files you unzipped from the package and make sure you have the following files :

wf31.exe cswskctl.vbx threed.vbx wfstuff.dll install.txt printall.dll reson.dat

Plus, you will find a subdirectory called Docs with help files in HTML format.  Please verify that these files are correct.

Third, if you haven't already, create a directory(or folder) for WingFlyer and place all the files in that directory(folder). The files THREED.VBX, and CSWSKCTL.VBX could also be placed in your windows/system directory (folder), but I recommend you put them in with the other files first. It makes it easier to move or reinstall the software later on.

Fourth, add a program icon to Windows, making sure that you give the full pathname of the wf31.exe as the application name, and the full path of where you put the files (wf32beta.exe, wingfly.hlp, wfstuff.dll, install.txt, reson.dat, printall.dll) as the working directory.

For example if you installed the files in :


the application name would be :


and the working directory would be :


WF Help Home Page © 1996-1999 James D. Borror All rights reserved.